The goals of Collaboratory
- Be a story and game driven empowerment platform.
- Build a research and development centre for interactive arts, an institute similar to MIT, the Film Institute in Stockholm or Ars Electronica, but for interactive arts and game culture.
- Support freelancers, students and start-ups from idea to distribution, by sharing resources, knowledge and networks, and with possibilities for new jobs.
- Support other initiatives and provide space for their meet-ups and volunteers (Diversi, IGDA Sweden, Kids hack, Sharing Gbg etc).
- Be an open innovation accelerator for both big and small companies. A cross-generational freezone for industry, academia and community to meet, co-create and inspire.
- Strengthen the game and film industries, and increase the diversity, inclusion and quality of interactive, electronic and new media arts.
- Curate game jams, inclusive workshops and lectures, career development labs and labs where the city becomes a play and test ground, also for new tech.
- Create platforms for large scale experience design and transmedia productions.
- Build full scale prototyping workshops/makerspaces.
- Build a sustainable ecosystem for creators by improving working conditions, inclusion and business models, increasing the value of non-mainstream art, culture, intellectual and social capital.
- Actively promote STEAM education and support youth with diverse cognitive skills.
- Have event productions and venues for conferences and art exhibitions and installations, as well as providing an attractive artist residence for international professionals.
- Encourage a DIY and maker philosophy where people are empowered and learn that they can be the architects of their own future and do not have to wait for someone to give them permission.